jueves, 26 de mayo de 2011

Village Statistics Project

We have collected the following statistics:

  1. Geo Point ID, District, Village Name.
  2. Population in 1945 (Palestinian and Jewish)
  3. Land ownership (Palestinian, Jewish, & Public).
  4. Citrus land areas (Palestinian and Jewish).
  5. Cereal land area (Palestinian and Jewish).
  6. Built Up area (Palestinian and Jewish).
  7. Longitude & Latitude.
  8. Direction From District, Distance From District, & Elevation From The Sea.
  9. Occupation Date.
  10. Israeli Operation CD.
  11. Defenders CD.
  12. Destruction Ref. Num.
  13. Exodus Cause.
  14. Massacres CD.
  15. Village Land.
  16. Jewish Land.
  17. Public Land.
  18. Usurped lands inside the armistice line.
  19. Lands planted with olive.
  20. Number of Schools.
  21. Number of Mosques.
  22. Number of Churches.
  23. Number of Shrines.
  24. Population 1922, Population 1931, Population 1945, Population 1948, Population 1949, Population 1961, Population 1967, Population 1982, Population 1983, Population 1987, Population 1992, Population 1995, Population 1997, Population 2002, Population 2005, Population 2005.
  25. Est. Number of Refugees 1998
Be free to publish the data as you wish as long you point to the source. Please note that most of the data is complete for the best of our knowledge based on the data that has been collected so far and by no means it is complete.  Click here if you wish to inspect our sources and references.
If you wish to publish any data pertaining to the Palestinian villages, all we require retaining the the first column which uniquely identifies each town (Geo Point ID) in our system. If you provide us with the data you will be completely credited.

click here to download!

Source: palestineremembered.com

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